The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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Heart of the Blue Ridge

Whitetop Mountain Maple Syrup Festival - Coming Up!

Shed where maple sap is collected after being tapped from the tree.Shed where maple sap is collected after being tapped from the tree.By Susan M. Thigpen © 1988

Issue: January-February, 1988

Each year, during the last two weekends in March (19-20 & 26-27, 1988), folks in the community of Whitetop, Virginia tap sugar maple trees and make some of the most mouth watering maple syrup I've ever tasted. It has become an annual event and visitors are invited to come and observe the entire process from tapping the trees to boiling the syrup.

This is the southernmost part of the USA where maple syrup is made and Whitetop Mountain has the highest motor road in the state of Virginia.

Call 276-388-3246 for more information

Bucket and tap on a sugar maple tree.Bucket and tap on a sugar maple tree.