The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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from the
Heart of the Blue Ridge

Free Information To Send For

By Susan M. Thigpen © 1985

Issue: February, 1985

If you are planning a visit to the Blue Ridge, here are two addresses where you can write for free travel information that would be helpful to you and make your trip more enjoyable.

North Carolina Division of Travel & Tourism
c/o Hope Tyndall
430 N. Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27611
Or call: 1-800-VISIT NC (toll free).

Virginia Division of Tourism
c/o Martha Steger
202 N. 9th St., Suite 500
Richmond, VA 23219
Or call: 804-786-4484

The Departments of Tourism in both states have calendars of events, information about historic locations, accommodation information and a lot more to acquaint you with their state.