The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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from the
Heart of the Blue Ridge

Little Man

By C. David Hay © 1989

An Excerpt from the book, "Wings of the Mind."

Issue: February, 1989

Little Man how fast you grew
and went the way all children do
Into a world you've yet to know,
You need room to stretch and grow.

I watched with pride as you felt your way
And tested strengths in work and play.
We shared our fun as buddies do -
When you where cut I bled some too.

Shooting the rapids or climbing high
Gazing at stars in the western sky;
We gave it our best no matter the cost
And won more times than we ever lost.

I'll always treasure those memories past,
Could prayers but make the good times last.
But boys were meant to grow up strong
And Daddies can't just tag along.

So I hope you understand -
I'm always near if you need a hand.
And of all God's gifts could I choose but one...
It would be a Father's love for his Son.

Read the Book Review of C. David Hay's latest book, "Wings of the Mind."