Issue: July, 1987
Dear Readers;
Beginning in August The Blue Ridge Digest - Travel Companion Center Section will no longer be a part of each issue of The Mountain Laurel.
The Blue Ridge Digest will become a separate publication distributed freely from Front Royal, Virginia to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It will contain all of the information it now contains plus much, much more. There will be travel articles about interesting events and places to visit throughout the five (5) state Blue Ridge region in each issue. Beginning press run will be seventy-five thousand (75,000) copies per quarter with editions for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The first issue of the new expanded Blue Ridge Digest will be the Fall edition. Four times each year it will accompany The Mountain Laurel to all subscribers and retail outlets.
Our main consideration for deciding on this change was our belief that this will allow more time and energy to be devoted to that which is nearest and dearest to our hearts, the gathering of stories and memories of yesterdays Blue Ridge from older mountain residents. We hope you will approve our decision with your continuing subscription support.
Thank you,
The Mountain Laurel Staff
Mountain Laurel,
Your April Issue (Mary Tidline) caught my interest very much where it mentioned Felts Baldwin Detective Agency. My Dad, now dead, had an uncle who was, I have been told by my parents and Grandad, a Baldwin Detective. I am wondering if you have any information on this detective agency that might have or give any information on him. If I remember correctly his name was Frank Roberts. I don't know his middle initial and was told that he left. Just seemed to have vanished and was never heard from. He was originally from Bedford County, Virginia.
Thank you.
Marion S. Roberts
4244 Bradshaw Rd.
Salem, VA 24153
Dear Mrs. Thigpen,
I think The Mountain Laurel is fantastic! I regret not getting started receiving the first issue, but the "Special Backroads Collection" and the "Special Mountain Memories" are excellent ways of catching up. We appreciate your publishing this type of Mountain Journalism to share memories and the opportunity to learn more of past history.
My regards to Charlotte Heafner, a very nice lady, who is always very helpful.
R. L. Boyd
Bluefield, West Virginia
Dear Mrs. Thigpen,
I enjoyed talking to you the other day. I want to say that I enjoy receiving The Mountain Laurel. The only thing, I get homesick when I read it and want to move back to Virginia.
In case you didn't find out anything about Clyde Ely (I'm not sure how to spell his name.) the one I called you about the other day from Wise County, Va., maybe one of your readers will know who I can write to obtain copies of his music.
The one song that he was supposed to have written is "There isn't no grave going to hold this body down."
As soon as I can I will send some money for the Laurel Foundation.
Thank you for your time,
Barbara Miller
Rt. 1, Box 595
Hyndman, PA 15545
Dear Susan,
Another wonderful year has come and gone with "The Mountain Laurel" and I'm looking forward to many more wonderful years of enjoyment. So please accept my renewal. I'm 72, but I hope to be able to renew 3 more years. Keep up the good work.
I enjoy all the tours. Last summer I was privileged to go to the A. P. Carter Museum. I really enjoyed it. My youngest sister and her husband from Florida took my brother and wife from Bristol, Va. and I last August when we were at Greendale School for the Hearl-Pippin Family reunion. We meet on the first Sunday in August (and the Sat. night before). In the past few years, many have passed on, but we all look forward to it.
E. Goodson
Danville, Virginia
Mountain Laurel,
Could you help me find the silent version of "TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE". It was made in the 1920's.
Thank you,
Howard Moore
P.O. Box 32
Sumter, SC 29150