Issue: January-February, 1988
Dear Readers;
Effective with the March issue of The Mountain Laurel our subscription and newsstand rates will be increased. We regret the necessity to do this but due to substantial printing and postal rate increases over the last few years we have no choice. We will also be converting to second class mailing for all subscribers in the very near future and due to our wide geographical distribution this will add additional expense. The conversion to second class mail will however, according to the Postal Service, improve the delivery of your subscription. The new rates will be as follows:
$10.00 - 1 Year - 12 Issues
$18.00 - 2 Years - 24 Issues
$24.00 - 3 Years - 36 Issues
By subscribing for three (3) years you may continue to receive The Mountain Laurel for only $8.00 per year. The new single copy newsstand price will be $1.25 per copy.
In order to catch our schedule up to date we have combined our January and February issues into this one issue. However, this will in no way reduce the total number of copies you are to receive as part of your subscription and this issue will only count as one month of your subscription. Hopefully this will put us back on schedule with all future issues arriving to you just prior to the 1st of each month.
We appreciate your understanding.
Thank You
Susan Thigpen, Editor
Dear Susan,
Please send me the Special Mountain Memories from March 1983 to September 1984, Collection # 2.
Thank you so much for bringing back memories of a time that seems now like heaven. I know I was small in the 1930's but Mom keeps telling me about her childhood that seems like it was like you write about.
Thank you,
Mrs. V. Dixon
West Grove, Pennsylvania
Dear Editor,
I have been receiving The Mountain Laurel for a few months now after my mother sent in a gift subscription for me.
I can relate to some of the areas of Floyd County, Virginia as my grandfather lived there many years on a farm about ten miles from Floyd and about one mile off 221 going toward Roanoke. I can remember visiting him many times until his death in 1966.
I enjoy reading all the stories each month about the lives of the mountain people. I also read the BACKROADS TOURS as though I am driving over the roads and seeing all the sights in person.
Keep up the good work,
William F. Epling
Beckley, West Virginia
I have thoroughly enjoyed The Mountain Laurel the past two years. Reading the many articles has brought back so many pleasant memories of my early life on a Missouri farm near Mark Twain's birthplace. My early family of "Mitchell's" came into Missouri through Kentucky, Tennessee, and perhaps Virginia. I am attempting to learn more about them and have watched The Mountain Laurel for evidence of this family name.
I look forward to future issues and shall keep a close watch in the genealogy section.
Good luck for continued success.
M. T. Mitchell
Providence, Rhode Island
Dear Editor,
I was vacationing last fall in Boone, North Carolina and purchased a copy of your paper at a gift shop.
I had the best time reading it. It is unique and so refreshing. I chuckled often as I related to many of the customs written in the different articles. It brought back dear memories of my childhood in the country.
I could hardly wait to give a subscription to my sister for Christmas and to subscribe for myself. I look forward to reading my copies in the New Year, 1988.
Thank you kindly,
B. Morris
Richmond, Virginia
Dear Friends,
First let me thank you for your enjoyable publication! I'm from Floyd County, Virginia and my wife is from Denver, Colorado. Both of us look forward to The Mountain Laurel. I ponder my past while she learns of my background while reading your paper. It is of great joy to both of us.
Your November issue is graced with a photo from North Carolina. North Carolina holds almost as many fond memories as Virginia for me since most of my family lives there.
Many hours of my youth were spent cutting, shocking, and shucking corn in the fields and mowing, shocking, hauling and stacking hay. This gives me great interest in the photo.
Sandra Vail's article sounds like my early Thanksgivings except I was one of those living close to Grandma vs. Pap-Pap and we (Papa and Grandma and Uncles and Aunts) were busy butchering on Thanksgiving.
Thank you again for your fine magazine.
Sincerely yours,
R. R. Agnew
Watkins, Colorado
Dear Ms. Thigpen,
I am sending for another years subscription to your wonderful Mountain Laurel. I do enjoy every paper, can't wait until it arrives each month and I do enjoy the recipes so much.
Thanks a million,
Mrs. J. Stanley
Sparta, North Carolina
Dear Mountain Laurel,
Do you know what happened to the town of East Radford, Virginia? Was it swallowed by Radford, Virginia? When did East Radford cease to be?
Thank you for any information.
Edith B. Albertson
4848 Fieldgreen Dr.
Stone Mountain, GA 30088
Dear Mountain Laurel,
We vacationed in Fancy Gap in November and stayed at Cascade Mountain Inn. We read your paper there and enjoyed it so much. The check enclosed is for our subscription.
We are grateful to Betty and Ernie at Cascade Inn. They greeted us with a warm welcome and were so thoughtful. We hope to visit your area again.
The Mountain Laurel will keep us in touch with Virginia and the beautiful mountains.
Thanks for the memories,
C. & C. Moody
Walterboro, South Carolina