Issue: October, 1983
Dear Readers,
We are gearing up for an extra special Christmas edition of The Mountain Laurel. If any of you old-timers out there have special recollections of old fashioned Christmases and traditions, please write and send them to us. We'd like to let all our readers know the warmth and enjoyment of what an old fashioned Christmas was all about. Address to: The Mountain Laurel, Route 1 Meadows of Dan, Va. 24120.
Thank you,
Susan Thigpen, Editor
Dear Staff:
Your September issue helped to relieve a boring rainy evening Wednesday with the TV networks still trying to finish up their reruns and nature trying to give us some relief from this heat wave. As the media of today shows, the world problems and issues help make us turn to a life where people can still live and visit that is peaceful and full of beauty that we all have roots and heritage from. I guess the best way to phrase it is, that there is a little Mountain Laurel in all of us. Thank you for an evening of reading that I can say can only be improved by making it bigger and loaded with more articles on making handicrafts and antique replicas of items found in abundance in the Mountain Laurel area. My check for a years subscription is enclosed.
J.A. Whitten, Jr.
Horsepasture, Va.
Dear Sirs
I find THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL paper very interesting. I love the Blue Ridge area. Planning on retiring in the very near future and am interested in finding a good piece of land. Am interested in your Land Ads, reading from your August '83 issue. I find the tales of the Blue Ridge excellent.
C.M. Van Hovel
Oakland, N.J.
[Dear Sirs]
Recently, while "Mawmaw Rose" was in the hospital recovering form major surgery, someone brought her a copy of The Mountain Laurel. She enjoyed it so much, we'd like to send her a subscription. Will you please enclose a thinking of you card.
C.M. Reavis
Salisbury, N.C.
Editor's note… We are happy to send a card with gift subscriptions. We know how tiresome it can be, in a long stay in the hospital and are glad The Mountain Laurel made it pass a little faster for someone.
Dear M.L.
A very good paper. It's made me realize there is still a place left that you could brag about. I was born in the Northern Neck section of Va., near Warsaw, Va. Please send me my 12 issues. Here's $6.00.
Thank you,
Mechanicsville, Va.
Dear Mountain Laurel,
My mother received a letter last month from her sister, Lucille Jarrell, of Horsepasture, Virginia. So what's so unusual about that? The letter was written throughout the August edition of THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL, placed in an envelope and mailed. We thought this was a novel idea, though not totally unexpected from my aunt whose letters are an annual event.
After I read the letter and the paper I went through some old papers and found a complimentary first edition of your paper my parents received. I also read that edition cover to cover. I really enjoyed the whole paper since my parents were born and raised in "The Hollow", Virginia and I also have a mobile home there which I try to visit often. Please accept my subscription to the Mountain Laurel.
V.B. Gordon
Ocoee, Florida
Editor's note... On August 17, we received a nice letter from Rhonda Dull of Yadkinville, N.C., asking about our area because she and her boyfriend are planning to be married on October 2nd. and wish to spend their honeymoon in the mountains. All of us at THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL wish to extend our best wishes and congratulations to the both of you for a long and happy marriage.
Susan Thigpen,
I came across "Mountain Laurel" at a news stand here in Baltimore the other day. To say I was happy is an under statement as most of my family relatives live in Carroll, Grayson Co. Va. and Surry Co. in N.C. I want very much to receive the paper each month including September issue if it's possible. Looking forward to "down home news" of folks and places I know.
I am, Sincerely,
R. Melton
Baltimore, Md.
Dear Susan,
Our copies of THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL came in yesterday's mail and we just put everything "on the back burner" for a while to read and enjoy! Then we thought of Jack's Mom and Dad and how much they would enjoy your publication. Though not born and raised in the heart of the Blue Ridge, still they are country folk and will readily relate to the times and experiences of the folk of whom you write. Assuming that their first issue will be the September one, am enclosing enough to cover back issues of May, June and August. Jack's Mom would especially enjoy the May issue on Mountain Music. She plays the mandolin and comes from just such a musical family background as that of which you write. Thank you.
Jack and Evelyn Mitchell
Moravian Falls, N.C.