The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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Heart of the Blue Ridge

Mountain Trading - September, 1983

By Susan M. Thigpen © 1983-2012

Issue: September, 1983

Trading has always been a part of the mountain culture. Years ago when cash money was hard (if not impossible) to come by, many folks had to rely on their ability to trade in order to provide necessities for their families. Chestnuts gathered in the fall were traded for winter supplies at local stores. If something was needed for the home or farm, more often than not a trade could be struck in exchange for produce, livestock or labor. Generation after generation, mountain folks have sharpened their trading skill. From a turn of the century economy that required trading to live, many now live to trade.

Nowhere will you find sharper traders than in these mountains. They're honest as the day is long but shrewd as can be. In the spirit of keeping mountain trading alive, THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL is proud to announce starting with this issue, we will offer a small section each month to anyone with something they wish to sell or trade. All items must be either antiques, homemade or mountain oriented (such as chestnut rails, old plows, milk cows, honey, molasses, quilts, wagons, etc) The charge will be "two bits" (25 cents) per word with a minimum of 20 words ($5.00) per monthly insertion. Years ago when folks took grain to the mill to have it ground, the miller would take a small portion of the grain as his toll for the milling fee. In further keeping with tradition, THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL will consider all offers to trade instead of cash payment for ads in this section. Trading is fun so join in! Call 703-593-3613 and make us an offer or place an ad in the "MOUNTAIN TRADING" section of THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL. Due to space limitations, this column will be limited to individuals, craftspeople, and small cottage industries,

For sale - a Franklin stove in good condition, only $50.00. Call 703-593-3509.

A covered wagon in good shape. Only $350.00 (canvas not included) Call 703-593-3286.

Original Gourmet Mustard Recipes. No cooking. $3.00, - please send business size S.A.S.E. Trinity Farm, Rt. 3, Box 126, Willis, Va. 24380

AMRITA HERBAL PRODUCTS Locally made face creams (natural moisturizer) & herbal salves (for cuts, insect bites, diaper rash, sunburn, chest colds) Send for free brochure. Rt. 1, Box 243 A, Floyd, Virginia, 24091.

Four FREE Puppies. Father German Shepard, mother looks like red fox. One solid white male, one golden color female, and two females that look just like their dad (Black and brown markings on face and legs. TWo months old. Healthy, lively and loving. Call 703-593-3613, Please!

A 16 pound circular block of Mr. Adam Clement's beeswax. $30.00 . Call 703-593-3613.

Autoharp and carrying case. Good condition. Call 703-593-3613. $35.00 or two bushels of chestnuts.

Four FREE "Mountain Mouse Traps” 2 months old, gray and loving. Call 703-593-3613.