By Dr. Amos D. Wood
Edited By Ann Scott Swain
Issue: October, 1983
Dr. Wood, in compiling this book, drew on the memories of the old-timers in the 20’s. Civil War veterans were still living when he began his writing and their recollections are a vital part of this book.
Over 100 families - Brammer, Graham, Lancaster, Lawrence, Phillips, Phlegar, Scott, Short, Spangler, Wood, Turner, Vest and many others are sketched in detail.
Dr. Wood used family manuscripts; personal letters, diaries, Bible records, court records and other sources available in the 20’s to compile this work.
Although the book was never published during his lifetime, it is now in print and for sale by the Floyd County Historical Society, Route 2, Box 192, Willis, VA 24380. The price is $29.95, plus tax of $1.20 and shipping of $1.43 for a total of $32.58. The book is hard bound and should be of interest to anyone with family roots or interested in Floyd County, Virginia.
The book was edited by Ann Scott Swain, who has compiled a bibliography of books and sources used by Dr. Wood and also listed those written by or about Floyd Countians.