The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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Heart of the Blue Ridge

Mountain Trading - November, 1983

Edited By Susan M. Thigpen © 1983-2012

Issue: November, 1983

Wanted to buy: Chestnut Rails. Call 703-694-4811.

1977 Champion 14x70 mobile home located at Lambsburg, Virginia. Good condition. NADA list price $15,000. Sale price $12,000. Call 919-996 3239 after 5:15pm.

Wanted to buy: Old buildings. Call 703-694-4811.

"Goatie", a children's paperback about a country family adventure with their new goat, makes a perfect Birthday or Christmas gift. Send check To: Blackwater Press, 530 Allison Ave. S.W., Roanoke, Va. 24016.

A covered wagon in good shape. Only $350.00 (Canvas not included). Call 703-593-3286.

For Sale- Franklin Stove in good condition, only $50.00. Call 703-745-3509.

To place an ad in MOUNTAIN TRADING, call: THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL, 703-593-3613. The cost is 25$ a word with a minimum of 20 words ($5.00). To keep in the spirit of trading, we will consider trading instead of cash payment for your ad! Make us an offer. Due to space limitations, this column will be limited to individuals, craftspeople, and small cottage industries.