The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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from the
Heart of the Blue Ridge

Mayberry Map Recalls An Era

By Larry Spangler © 1984

Issue: July, 1984

Dorn Spangler, retired superintendent of Patrick County Schools, and his son, Larry, recently completed a beautiful map of "Old Mayberry, Heart of the Blue Ridge" circa 1915. Mayberry, Virginia is located in the center of the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive tour.

Mayberry was a self sufficient mountain community during this time period. A limited number of color prints are available for $6.00 each at Mayberry Trading Post or by mail from Larry Spangler, Rt. 1, Box 88-P, Wagram, N.C. 28396. Please add $2.00 postage and handling if ordered by mail. The prints offer an in-depth insight into a mountain community early in this century.