The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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Mayberry Book By John Hassell Yeatts Published

By Susan M. Thigpen © 1984-2012

Issue: August, 1984

The publishing house of Todd and Honeywell, Inc. recently announced the combining of John Hassell Yeatts' two short story collections, Remembering Old Mayberry and A Lantern To Light Me Home, into one hard cover publication entitled Remembering Old Mayberry. This is a beautiful book filled with stories of Mayberry, Virginia during the 1920's and 1930's. For those who have not read these stories, they are highly recommended. If you read the original collections, then you'll certainly want the combination in hardback to save.

John has led a distinguished life in contributing to public welfare. In 1953 he entered the health care field in Fairfax, Virginia as a field representative for the National Foundation, March of Dimes, and helped set up a field test program for the newly discovered Salk vaccine.

Through the program he met Dr. Jonas Salk and says the work with Salk was the most gratifying thing of his life.

Through the years he has also worked as the executive director of the Dade County, Florida Mental Health Association, the executive director of the Mental Health Association of South Carolina as well as the coordinator of support services for the Alabama Department of Mental Health.

Remembering Old Mayberry may be purchased at Mayberry Trading Post on the Blue Ridge Parkway or at the Craft House (owned and operated by his wife, Jenny) at Meadows of Dan, Virginia. There are few people who can capture the spirit of a people, an era and a place like John Yeatts can. The stories he writes definitely comes from the heart - his heart and the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains he knows and loves so well.

Remembering Old Mayberry may be ordered by mail from Todd and Honeywell, Inc. Ten Cuttermill Rd., Great Neck, New York 11021. Please enclose $6.95 plus $1.75 postage and handling per copy when ordering.