The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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from the
Heart of the Blue Ridge

Notice To Hikers

By Susan M. Thigpen © 1984

Issue: August, 1984

Interest has been generated in starting a hiking club for the Tri-County area of Patrick, Carroll and Floyd, Virginia. So far there has been one initial meeting held at Meadows of Dan.

The objective of the club will be to open and maintain hiking trails in our area of the Blue Ridge for members and non-members alike. This would include shorter, easily navigated trails for the handicapped as well as providing information and planned hikes to better known and "off the beaten path" points of interest.

If your interests lie in wild flowers, birds, animal life, trees, hiking or just magnificent scenery, call Bernice Irvin at 703-952-2908 or write to her at Route 2, Box 262, Meadows of Dan, Virginia 24120 for more information.