The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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Heart of the Blue Ridge

The Laurel Foundation - December, 1986

By Bob Heafner © 1986

Issue: December, 1986

In the September issue of The Mountain Laurel we announced the formation of The Laurel Foundation and told of some of the goals we hoped to accomplish through it. Our initial goal is to raise $30,000.00 which will be used to buy broadcast quality video equipment in order that Jim Waters can begin traveling full time throughout the Blue Ridge and capturing on film the memories of older mountain residents. Jim is a nationally known photojournalist and his work exhibits the quality of an artist. He is currently employed by WFMY-TV, in Greensboro, North Carolina but will be devoting full time to the "Foundation" as soon as we can secure the necessary funding.

Your response to the article in the September issue has been extremely encouraging. Your support is not only appreciated by Jim and everyone else involved, but will, we believe, be appreciated by generations yet to come.

These mountains are a special place and there are folks here who remember the grist mills of yesterday and plowing with oxen. Their memories are a national treasure too precious to lose.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who is sharing the dream and to the following persons who have contributed to The Laurel Foundation:

Nellie Newkirk
Hampton, Va.

Frances Lockwood
Hersey, Mi.

Mary Ann Hedgecock
Winston-Salem, N.C.

Martinsville, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Martinsville, Va.

Mr. & Mrs. John Augustson
Virginia Beach, Va.

"A friend of the Blue Ridge"
Patrick County, Va.

Mr. Harold H. Via
St. Petersburg, Fl.

Ms. Catherine Brown
Bristolville, Oh.

Mrs. Jeanette Trabosh
Clifton Heights, Pa.

Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. McKinney
Glen Bournie, Md.

Mrs. Lillie A. Emery
Troy, Mo.

Mr. Samuel V. Moschler
Burlington, N.C.

Ms. Paula A. Kerns
Westerville, Oh.

Ms. Norma G. Cole
Monticello, Ky.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Evans,Jr.
Statesville, N.C.

Mrs. Clovis M. Brill
Roanoke, Va.

Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Eysenbach, Jr.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Ms. Catherine J. Barton
New York, New York

Freeman Cockram
Cockram's General Store
Floyd, Virginia

Due to the financial support of those listed above The Laurel Foundation now has $2047.00, as a base to build on. There is still a long way to go to reach the $30,000, required to begin but a journey around the world starts with the first step. Thank each of you for making another step possible.

Contributions may be mailed to:

The Laurel Foundation
Rt. 1
Meadows of Dan, Va. 24120