The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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Genealogy - February, 1990

Issue: February, 1990

[Dear Editor,]
Does anyone have any information about Elkmont and Sutherland, Tennessee? Both are discontinued post offices (my hobby). I wish I knew what they look like now. Elkmont is in Seiver County and may be a part of the Great Smoky Mountains Park and Southerland is in Johnson City, not far from Damascus, Virginia, I believe. I would be interested in exchanging information about other old post offices also.

John W. Spangler
Rt. 1, Box 21
Shawsville, Virginia 24162

[Dear Editor,]
I am seeking information on Rodeham Moore, born 1744 in Ireland (I think), died 4 June, 1811, buried Patrick Co. Va.

Need particularly his parents, siblings and other relations. When he came to the States and from where is also needed. Any information some kind person out there would have will be deeply appreciated. Also needed is any previous marriage before Elizabeth Gallahue.

His name was spelled Rodham (on grave stone), Rodham, Rohody, Bodham and Roddy Moore. The first I have found him public records is when he disavowed allegiance to Great Britain and swore allegiance to the State of Virginia on 7 Oct., 1777, in what was then Henry Co., Va., along with 129 other male persons.

Merle D. Moore
HC 34, Box 3260
Winchester, Virginia 22601

[Dear Editor,]
Patrick County will be celebrating its Bicentennial in June of 1991. We are collecting information from all communities and looking for old photographs to copy, old letters and things. We would appreciate any help. If anyone has anything of this nature, please contact me.

Bobbie Clement
Route 1
Ararat, Virginia 24053