The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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Genealogy - May, 1983

Issue: May, 1983

[Dear Editor,]

PROFFIT - I would like to correspond to any Proffit from Floyd, Franklin, Amherst or Goochland Counties. I have completed my Proffit genealogy but would like to include other related Proffit’s (spelling may be different.) Genealogy will be available in August.

Miss Bonnie Mann
3566 Overbrook Drive
Roanoke, Virginia 24018

 [Dear Editor,]

I am working on the family tree on Rorer, (Rorrer), Goads, Hardys, Shockleys, Tates and Sutphins. I am also looking for a Matilda E. Dalton. I want to know where she is buried.

Mrs. Hazel Vaughan
411 Franklin Avenue
Pulaski, Virginia 24301