The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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Heart of the Blue Ridge

The Jackson Family

Submitted By H. C. Jackson © 1986

Issue: June, 1986

(Copied from record written by James M. Jackson, Ivanhoe, Virginia. Mr. Jackson, born 1860, died 1943, is buried at the home farm near where the railroad bridge crosses the New River between Austinville and Ivanhoe, Virginia. Submitted By H.C. Jackson, Edenton, North Carolina.)

"Creek" John Jackson was born in Appleby, Westmoreland, England in 1768. In 1795 he sailed to America. On this trip to America he met Nancy Farmer, who in 1773 was born in Wales, and upon their arrival at Baltimore, Maryland, were married.

John Jackson walked to the Lead Mines (Austinville), in Wythe County and worked six months, then back to Baltimore. During his absence his wife worked in a cigar factory in Baltimore, Maryland.

In a short time he secured transportation in a road wagon and returned to Wythe County. He cut sufficient timber with which to build a log cabin, and made a puncheon floor. The cabin was located on the side of the timbered knob, now known as Granty, on the opposite side of the New River from the National Carbide plant (Ivanhoe).

John Jackson and Nancy Jackson were the parents of 12 children - seven sons and five daughters, and not a death in the family until the youngest son, Richard, was 50 years of age. The first death being William, who was born June 3, 1807, and died July 9, 1884.

John and Nathan, the two oldest sons ran a small tannery at the mouth of Cripple Creek, in Wythe County. After a few years they went to Surry County, North Carolina, on Mitchell River and started another tannery.

While located in Surry County, North Carolina, they became acquainted with two young ladies who were sisters, by the name of Potter. John married the oldest of the sisters. After their marriage they drove to Chicago, Illinois, in a canvas covered wagon. Nathan Jackson married Patsy Potter, they with John Potter, Patsy's brother, drove to Indiana and settled in Lawrence County. Nathan and Patsy Jackson are the grandparents of Ex-Governor Ed Jackson of Indiana.

Joshua was married twice, first to the widow of Henry L. Sheffy. She was Miss Seiney Nuchles. His second wife was Miss Florence Pearman, daughter of John and Susan Pearman.

James married Patsy Woolden, of Winchester, Virginia.

George married Martha Hammonds

Nancy Jackson, the oldest daughter married Jacob Swecher. Betty married George Aker, Polly married William Aker, Jane married Joe McClure Baker, Susan married George O. Hollinworth.

John Jackson, brother to Thomas, after locating in this country, was known as "River John," while the other John Jackson was known as "Creek John".

"Creek" John Jackson died in his ninety-first year, Nancy his wife, died at the age of 90.

The three referred to above were born in England, and knew each other through childhood, but have never traced any family relations between either of the families.

Children of John and Nancy Farmer Jackson:

1. John, Jr. 2. Nathan 3. William 4. Joshua 5. James 6. George 7. Richard 8. Nancy 9. Betty 10. Polly 11. Jane 12. Susan.