By Deidre M. Thigpen © 1991
Issue: April, 1991
I loved the wintertime in my childhood in Virginia. It was ideal for any child. We had deep and frequent snows and lots of ice storms.
My first winter in Virginia, we had a heavy snow that the wind blew into deep drifts. My sister and I dug tunnels in the drifts and we would play in them for hours.
Once at Easter, we had a bad ice storm. I was afraid that the Easter bunny wouldn't be able to make it to our house, but he did.
With school closed because of the weather, my sister and I had a lot of time to play. We dressed in our long-johns, two pairs of pants, two sweaters, coats, scarves and caps and went up the hill to where we got on the bus to go to school. At the top of the hill, we walked over to the edge of the woods, sat down and slid. In some spots we would go really fast and we would try to grab saplings to swing ourselves out of the path of big trees. We stopped sliding about a half mile later at the bottom of the hill at our tree house. Then we would trek up through the orchard and back out to the road to climb the hill and slide down again.
When we got tired and went home, Mommy had hot homemade soup and hot chocolate waiting for us.
Memories like these make me miss the winters of my childhood.
Editor's Note... The Easter mentioned above was certainly one to remember. There was 21 inches of snow on April 21st!