The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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A Tribute To Emma Ree Hazelwood Gilbert

Emma Gilbert, pictured in her late 50s or early 60s.Emma Gilbert, pictured in her late 50s or early 60s.By Margaret Fulcher © 1991

Issue: May, 1991

Our mother was loved by her husband and children dearly, and all who knew her. She had a friendly way about her and could smile but at the same time her heart could be breaking.

We were poor in material things but rich with love and understanding in our home. We were greatly blessed with a wonderful mother who took care of us, making all our clothes as well as being a seamstress for others.

We all grew up in Patrick County, Virginia and I am the youngest of eight children.

Mother died Memorial Day, May 30, 1947, at the age of 65.