By Susan M. Thigpen © 1985
Issue: September, 1985
Henrietta Conner aged 6 years, Gamaway Conner aged 4 years.Could this old photograph prove to be a “treasure in a box” for the descendants of these two children from so long ago? We hope so.
This old photograph was recently purchased in a box of photographs in Floyd County, Virginia. Handwritten on the back is:
From Alice
To Mrs. Graham
Henrietta Conner aged 6 years - Gamaway Conner aged 4 years
Imprinted on the bottom of the photograph is W.H. Jewel, Elite Studio, Christiansburg, Va.
A gathering of young people in a Mayberry, Virginia home in 1922.
Left to Right: Edgar Cassell, Alfred Yeatts, Carl Spence, Epperly Agee, Della Yeatts, Lora Yeatts, Clarice Reynolds, Arzetta Smith, [man with hat?], Vera Yeatts in white dress, Garber Reynolds, Lawrence Cox, Gladys Reynolds, Prentis Reynolds, Nanny Reynolds, I.D. Reynolds with fiddle, Empress Spangler with guitar. Elisha Burnett is small boy. On walk - Raymond Shelor and Leonard Shelor. Click here or on photo to see larger image.