The Mountain Laurel
The Journal of Mountain Life

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from the
Heart of the Blue Ridge

The Radio

By Lee Ann Hodge © 1988

Issue: January-February, 1988

Sometimes my memory travels back
to the days I loved so,
when after dinner we would gather
around the radio.

We looked forward to those times
and listened to all the shows,
we liked them all, but I recall....
Amos "N" Andy and Only The Shadow Knows.

On Saturday night "The Grand Ole Opry"
came to us from Tennessee,
Jack Benny made us laugh....
along with "Fibber and Molly McGee."

And during the day while mother worked
she would listen to her soaps,
and no matter how bad the day had been
the radio helped her cope....

With things like war and depression
somehow we seemed to know,
the days troubles would disappear....
when we gathered around the radio.

When the president announced the war was over
and that our world was free,
the radio was our open window....
for all the world to see.

We shouted with joy and happiness
the kids today won't know,
it was our newspaper of yesteryear....
our friend the radio.

Take me back to the good old days
when you were thrilled for hours on end,
and the world around you tumbled down....
the radio was still your friend.

Those days are gone, for time moves on
but I wish once more I could go
back to the days when I was a child,
and was entertained by the radio.