The Mountain Laurel
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Watermelon Rind Preserves

By Susan M. Thigpen © 1999

Online: January, 1999

I have made watermelon rind pickles, which are in a thick sweet syrup. The following recipe, which is like my recipe, is called preserves.

You only use the white part of the rind. The rind is hard and has to be pre-cooked in boiling water for a long time (you would think that watermelon rind would be soft!) Be sure too cook the rind long enough to soften it in the boiling water, Do not cook the rind too long in the syrup, or it will get tough and leathery, instead of more tender.

Your finished product will be an old fashioned delight that you won't find in stores!

Watermelon Rind Preserves

1 lb Watermelon cubes - Use only the white part of the watermelon rind.
2 ts Water
2 tb Lime (calcium oxide)
2 c Sugar
1 qt Water
1/2 Lemon, sliced

1. Soak melon in limewater for 3+ 1/2 hours. Drain.
2. Soak in clear water for 1 hour. Drain.
3. Cover with water and boil for 1+ 1/2 hour. Drain.
4. Make syrup of 2 cups sugar and 1 quart water.
5. Add rind and boil for 1 hour.
6. As syrup thickens add lemon [half for each lb. of melon].
7. When syrup is thick and rind clear, pack in hot, sterilized jars, top with syrup and seal.